What's New at DEVAR Inc.
d-RTT & d-RTTI
Models d-RTT and d-RTTI, supplied in ABS plastic housing, are two-wire digital indicators that sense ambient room temperature, provide 4 to 20 mA linear output with 0.5°F accuracy, and can provide a seven segment LED display across an operating range of -40 to 180°F with display resolution of 0.1 degrees. Models rated Class 3-C RFI immunity. A high precision 1000 Ohm RTD sensor attached to the backside of the black anodized aluminum heat sink visible on the front of instrument conforms to DIN Standard EN 60751, Class A.
-February 10th, 2011
The Model PB-LPI is a two-wire digital indicator that monitors a 4 to 20 mA process signal and provides local indication on a liquid crystal display. The meter features four active digits with half inch high characters that can be displayed with or without backlight. The PB-LPI provides a digital readout directly proportional to the milliamp input. Configuration of the PB-LPI is accomplished using three buttons located at the rear of the display. The display can be forward or reverse acting and can be configured to display any combination of numbers between -1999 and +9999.
-November 26th, 2007